Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Value of Working with UIS Technology Partners

The value of UIS Technology Partners is a topic I often discuss, with insight and candor. Which is not to suggest that I view this brand without respect for the competition or ignorance of the marketplace as a whole. Rather, it is precisely because of this knowledge of the industry - and the dynamic changes underway within the field of information technology - that I understand the contributions responsible for the success of UIS. For there is a paradox that defines the global economy, on the one hand, and the necessity of working with UIS on the other: in an environment where choice is plentiful - we have a seemingly unlimited selection of technology specialists, positioned around the world, vying to underbid each other other - and yet, quality is now an ever more precious commodity. Why?

To answer that question - to address something so obvious but challenging - we must first ask another question: What distinguishes UIS from other IT companies? Let's start with an emphasis on personalization, where UIS educates clients - in person, free of the virtual roadblocks that stymie communication and reduce clients to a series of numbers and billing codes - and devises innovative solutions for complex projects. While that philosophy should be obligatory, and it is a requirement for UIS, too many vendors, sadly, do not spend the time to create a true relationship between themselves and the clients they advice. Which brings us back to our original question: Why is quality such an elusive commodity, in a global marketplace where the easy availability of talent would, presumably, would help everyone. In a word: outsourcing.

Put aside the politics and controversy surrounding outsourcing, and focus instead on the fact that this phenomenon is neither efficient nor affordable. Efficiency dissolves because of a variety of factors - language difficulties, cultural differences, managerial problems - while affordability collapses as a result of these issues. Which leaves us with only one truly effective option: insourcing.

UIS is the leader in this field - insourcing for IT - because the company has the experience, credibility, insight and wisdom - yes, wisdom - necessary to succeed. By those measures, UIS offers tremendous value.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Innovation with UIS Technology Partners: Proven Results

Society has a tendency to revere technology, without examining the relative worth of a new program or piece of equipment. In the world of IT consulting, where technology can (and often does) mean several different things, there is a profound difference between theory and practice; between arguments on behalf of untested technology and results from a trusted group of experts. Concerning the latter, which involves integrity and wisdom, UIS Technology Partners is a leader. Period.

Why is this fact so important? Without restating the obvious, having the right IT partner can save you a lot of money and stress. Consider the alternative: an IT firm outsources all of your work, without informing you of the consequences of this decision, and then runs up a bill for services you neither need nor want. Sadly, this situation exists; and the best way to avoid these problems - the only way to prevent significant loss of time and money - is to have the right IT consultants at your side.

Consider this advice your ticket to results with UIS Technology Partners.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

UIS Technology Partners and Non-Profits: A Winning Combination

UIS Technology Partners has many advantages, which benefit non-profit organizations throughout Northern California. Call it doing well by doing good, a philosophy that allows UIS to deliver customized solutions for the betterment of groups serving a variety of needs. And, in this economy, support for non-profits is a necessity; for these groups help our most vulnerable citizens - people who require the care and compassion of trained professionals - and UIS plays an important part in furthering this outreach. That's right: IT is the foundation for all subsequent outreach, the means by which non-profits successfully reach their goals.

UIS has the expertise to work with non-profits in Northern California, a partnership built on results and an appreciation for the value of giving people a sense of hope. If IT means anything, it means just that: respect for the less fortunate, and a commitment to harness the power of technology on behalf of others. With UIS at the helm, we can achieve these notable ambitions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Leadership in Northern California

Northern California is a hotbed of technological innovation, the epicenter for the "new, new thing," that revolutionary product or concept that will draw massive media attention and transform the consumer electronics industry. And yet, those achievements are virtually impossible without the right IT partner. Thankfully, UIS Technology Partners continues to empower companies throughout the Bay Area.

Think of UIS as a company operating with humility and determination: a commitment to giving all clients the resources - and wisdom - that only comes from insourcing. No overbooked assignments. No false promises. No misleading information. Just results -- great results!

So the next time we read or see a story about the success of some startup in Silicon Valley, remember UIS because IT is another way of spelling excellence.

The Value of IT: An Absolute Necessity

IT is not just another commodity, like apples or oranges, which rises or falls based on market conditions. As if other factors like size, shape, taste and coloring do not influence (or should not influence) what we buy. Put another way, quality is a distinguishing characteristic, something we value and expect from vendors. Now apply that example to IT, where businesses have certain expectations - including training, resources, technical expertise and professional insight - and one thing is clear: IT is not some interchangeable expense that we can nonchalantly export to India or the Philippines.

UIS Technology Partners understands this point, which is why the company keeps all of its work within the United States. Forget outsourcing and the problems associated with looking for a cheap answer to a complicated issue, and focus on the true value of IT. That value accrues to professionals who understand how and why technology is the foundation of a properly functioning business.

UIS appreciates this fact - no, it lives this fact - so the company's clients can reap the rewards that come from having the right IT solution. And the true value of this benefit, there is one word: priceless.

UIS Technology Partners: Trust and Integrity

Information technology ("IT") has various meanings, a buzzword for outsourcing or a opportunity to embrace innovation and business excellence. Concerning the latter, with its emphasis on developing long-term relationships with clients and crafting customized solutions for specific challenges, UIS Technology Partners stands apart.

Led by Paul Dorian, the Founder and CEO of the company, UIS is a prime example of the power of insourcing. Meaning: IT should not be an invitation for businesses to relegate their most crucial responsibilities to untested, unqualified and unprepared vendors overseas. For the true cost of entering into such a situation, a false partnership with the allure of massive savings and unprecedented results, is failure. Hence Paul's commitment to insourcing, an exclusive arrangement where clients get the personalized attention they deserve, courtesy of experts who have the knowledge and wisdom necessary for success.

As this blog evolves, we will have a chance to showcase UIS and its many achievements. Those strengths, complemented by the efforts of Paul and his team, are the ultimate testament to the future of IT. Trust and integrity: that is the essence of UIS.